
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Saturday, 23 March 2013

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan and Elding: We sailed out today from Reykjavik with high hopes. We took two boats out due to the amount of passengers joining us to day and so by taking two boats passengers had room to move around. It was overcast and the seas were a little rough but all in all ok weather conditions. We sailed towards the Reykjanes Peninsula and there we found the wonderful magestic animals. We saw 4 Humpback Whales in total. Two single ones and a pair. We got to see incredible behaviours like tail slapping, tail raising (when humpback brings the tail out of the water first) and general feeding and socialising. On many occasions the humpbacks came towards us obviously feeling comfortable with our presence and dove just a meter, two from our boat. For many of our passengers today it was their first experinece with whales so it was great to hear and see everyones reactions. Really fantastic day.

Birds seen on todays tour include; Eider Ducks, Cormorants, Kittiwakes and Fulmars.

Pictures will be added later on this evening.

- Megan Whittaker