
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: It was a perfect ending our tours at 17:00 this season! Sky was slightly covered by low clouds but still we saw specular sunset with red and pink sky. Generally, views were breath taking. We sailed in the direction where we saw animals on our previous tours but first hour without any success. Then, suddenly big splash cached our attention. It was humpback whale breaching! Animal repeated this jumps few times but then we realised that we ha two of this whales in the area. They were keeping distance between each other so it wasn´t easy to follow them, or to choose which one we should stay. Soon we realized that the breaching one was 'Monroe' and the second 'Picasso' - whales which we saw before but now they were together. While waiting for them to surface minke whale pooped up just in front of the boat! Sun was going down very fast so after a great time with whales we start sailing back with pink sky over our heads. 

- Ewa Malinowska

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: What a tour! It was like summer was reborn with clear skies a wonderful sun and calm seas. We were only 10 minutes out of harbour when we spotted our first cetacean the wonderful harbour porpoises, which popped up from the surf a few times before going back under the surface. Next we found the incredible white-beaked dolphins, who delighted us with some wonderful surfaces just next to our boat! It was then decided to leave this lovely pod and head further out in search of some other cetaceans. And so we did, a large blow was spotted in the distance and once closer the individual was identified as the humpback whale 'Monroe'. This animal surfaced wonderfully coming up multiple times getting close to us each time. It gave us quite a shock when it suddenly surfaced just 5 meters from the boat! It was so incredible to see this large animal just creep up on us like that! While we were enjoying this humpback a minke whale also popped up and we were able to watch this animal surface a few times before again watching the humpback surface. It was then back to harbour with happy faces all round. 

- Tess Hudson


Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: The last day of September was like a memorial to honor the whole summer, we had good weather, a lot of visibility and incredible amount of activity in Faxafloi. We started our day sailing towards one of our main spotting areas and seabirds were our welcoming, special mention to northern gannets and fulmar. After scanning for a while, we couldn't´t find anything so we moved to another spot and it was proved to be a wise decision. As soon as we arrived we saw a huge blow from the distance, it was a solitary humpback whale showing us her magnificent body and fluking extremely close to us. It was so clear her pattern in the fluke that we were able to identify this individual as Picasso, a common sighting in Faxafloi and Eyjafjörður too, giving us more information about the migratory routes and behaviour of these animals. When we were in the middle of our humpback madness, two minke whales decided to appear from nowhere leaving us with an extraordinary sense of surprise. Time was up so we went back but in the way we had more surprises: a super-pod of white-beaked dolphins, more than 20, was gracefully swimming around us, leaping and speeding up. It was a fantastic tour and it was a delicious experience to spend few hours in the early Saturday enjoying Faxafloi.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Birds seen during our tours: northern fulmar, northern gannet, black-headed gull, black-back gull, kittiwake, eider duck.

Tour status: RUNNING

We are sailing from the Old harbour in Reykjavik today. Sea conditions are favorable and weather is calm. For more information please contact us by email or by phone  +354 519 5000.