
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Report from Elding: Another amazing tour in the bay we call Faxaflói. Again the sea conditions were awesome however there was a cold wind blowing so the warm suits we provide onboard help a few passengers keep warm. Throughout teh whole tour we must have seen at least 8-10 humpback whales, 6-8 minke whales incluing one of our regulars ´humpie´(regularly sighted since 2011), a pod of 5-7 harbour porpoises and a pod of 5-7 white-beaked dolphins. The highlight however was about 1 1/2 hours into the tour where we found a VERY productive feeding spot. Flocks of kittiwakes surrounded about 4 humpback whales that were lunge feeding,  rolling all around us. Wew didn´t even have to move. We put the boat in nuetral and just marvelled at what we were watching. It was incredible and hard to leave for home. Days like this you are just so thankful to have a profession to work at sea :)

- Megan Whittaker 


Report from Elding: Mother nature really is in a splendid mood these days. Not a ripple of a wave on the water nor a breeze of wind in the air made for a very calm sail. We needed about an hour of sailing before we saw anything but what we saw then was just memorable. Birds all around, feeding alongside what were probably 20 minke whales and 7 or 8 humpback whales. Even a pod of 3 harbour porpoises showed itself. The juvenile humpback we had been seeing so active the last days was finally tired - so tired that it literally was sleeping next to our boat while the whale that appears to be its mother was enjoying her freetime, feeding with a delighted sound in her powerful blow. We simply turned off our engines and enjoyed being surrounded by nature.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Birds seen today include: atlantic puffin, common guillemot, kittiwake, northern gannet, northern fulmar, black guillemot, eider duck, black-backed gull, arctic skua, arctic tern.

Our Classic Whale Watching tour starting from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík is on at 9:00 this morning and at 13:00 in the afternoon. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.