
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


sunday 05. april 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: it had cleared a little bit since the morning tour, it was still full overcast but we were at least able to see towards land for through out the whole tour. we began by going to the area where we had seen the minke whale this morning. we soon got a call from another whale watching boat that they had seen a group of white beaked dolphins. when we came closer we saw they were at least 6-7 dolphins there. they kept calm and traveled slowly around and at first it was very easy to follow them. then it became a bit more difficult but still we could enjoy their company for over 20 minutes. we again tried to find a bigger animal on the tour but were not able to before we got back to Reykjavik.

- Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir 

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: it was full overcast over the bay today so were not able to towards land when we got on the bay but the air was relatively warm compared to previous weeks. We sailed towards an area called Marfló where we have been getting good luck lately, there we looked all around us and suddenly saw a minke whale 200 meters in front of us. We saw it only surface one more time and then it was gone. we searched for it for a while before we went to an area where another boat from Elding had seen dolphins earlier this morning. the captain spotted dolphins for a second but we were never able to get a good look at them. We went back to where we saw the minke whale but were sadly not able to find it again. Because these were the only cetaceans of the tour we gave our passengers complimentary tickets so they can come with us on another tour.

- Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir 

Birds seen on today´s tour includes: northern fulmars, iceland gulls, greater black-backed gulls, lesser black-backed gulls, glaucous gull, long-tailed ducks, northern gannets, kittiwakes, eider ducks and razorbill.