
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Report from Elding: With northerly wind facing us throughout the tour, we started our journey into the bay this evening. Considering the country we are in (Iceland) we were pretty lucky with the weather to not have gotten any rain (or snow). But besides that, the ride got pretty bumpy at times and all our passengers got to test their sea legs. Although crew members spotted two blows during the tour, the animals we were looking for were nowhere to be found. We did enjoy the company of a lot of northern fulmars though, following us throughout the bay, as well as a few atlantic puffins and even northern gannets, plunge diving. As we did not encounter any whales or dolphins during this tour, we did offer all our passengers complimentary tickets, for a free ride with us again in the future.

-Christina Winkler


Report from Eldey: Same weather as before but with more clouds, it was still bright, the evening light giving to the water a lovely colour. We went in the same area than this morning where we saw the blows during the 9am tour. This time we didn't see any whale. During the way back we observed a flock of northern gannets close of the landscape, near to Esja. We went their to search the presence of cetaceans and we found a pod of 3-5 harbour porpoises feeding on the same fish than the birds. We could admire how the northern gannets plunge-dives, entering in the water like arrows. Because we didnt' saw any whale during the tour we offered to our passengers the complementary ticket to book a new free tour in the next two years. Hope to see you soon !

-Miquel Pons


Report from Hafsúlan: The wind had picked up some speed since last tour, but the weather was dry. We sailed a bit along the shore where we could have some shelter from the wind, and tried our luck up in Hvalfjörður (Whale Fjord), but ended up sailing out again without sightings. We still got a great view of the beautiful landscape around there and enjoyed the ride as we sailed around in search of some cetaceans. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful this time, and so we offered our lovely passengers the opportunity to come back on another tour for free. Better luck next time :)

-Kristín Viðja


Report from Eldey: The wind from the north was still blowing when we left the harbour. There was some movement in the boat but nothing uncommon in these north atlantic waters. We were sailing sheltered by the mountains, scanning the sea surface continuously to try to find whales, dolphins and porpoises. Unfortunately, these marine mammals were not in the area this time. Anyway, we offered our passengers the opportunity to come back wirhin the next two years free of charge. 

-Elena Gutiérrez Ruiz


Report from Hafsulan: During this trip we still had no sign f whales and dolphins in the bay. Though tours like this are unusual, it sometimes happen, as we are dealing with Nature and its unpredictability, regardless of the effort fo the crew. However, since this tour did not held up to our standards, we decided to offer all our guests the opportunity to come back again for free on another whale watching tour with us.

- Inês Cunha


Report from Eldey: This morning we had a weather similar than yesterday. A strong and cold wind from the north, with a half clouded sky. It was sunny for most of the tour. The sea was a bit wavy but still pleasant. Most of our passengers stayed outside during the tour, well protected from the wind by our red overalls. We headed to Akranes, where we could shelter from the wind with the mountain of Akrafjall. In this area we first so a blow far from the boat, probably from a minke whale. The time we approach where was the little bush of vapor, the animal has desappeared. A few moments later we saw a small pod of 2-3 harbour porpoises, one of those little cetaceans was jumping. As usually, those busy animals fastly left and we were not able to see them again. We saw a second blow, but like the first one we could not approach the animal. The whales are following the food supplies so when the schools of fish are moving a lot it can be challenging to approach them. Because we couldn't show those beautiful creatures to our passengers, we offered them a complementary ticket, giving them the opportunity to come back in the next two years. 

-Miquel Pons

Bird species identified today: atlantic puffin, northern fulmar, northern gannet, black-legged kittiwake, arctic tern, arctic skua, cormorant, lesser black-backed gull, eider duck.

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today, the wind is suppose to pick up as the day goes on, so if you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.