
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


SUNDAY, 13 December 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: When we sailed out today, the conditions were almost as nice as in the last couple of days. The sea was smooth and the sky clear so that we could see all the mountains around us. After about 30 min, our Captain spotted a group of white-beaked dolphins.It was a pod of 5-6 individuals that didn't' seem to mind our presence. In the beginning, they seemed quite relaxed without moving around a lot and every now and then came towards us. We could even watch them under the water surface thanks to their bright white patches and stripes. Then, they started to move around a bit more but we could still follow them for a while to give everyone a good look. As the dolphins became a little more elusive, we left them in peace to look for more cetaceans further offshore. We kept looking for these animals, but only found probably 2 harbour porpoises during the rest of the tour. They popped up right in front of us, and I think only two passengers got a short glimpse of them as they quickly headed away from us and disappeared - typical harbour porpoises. In the end of the tour it got pretty windy and cold so most passengers decided to warm up with a hot beverage inside as we slowly back our way back to the Old Harbour of Reykjavík. 

- Hanna Michel

Bird species seen on today's tour include: northern fulmars, great black-backed gulls, Iceland gulls, glaucous gulls, shags, eider ducks and razorbills.