Sunday, 14 January 2024

humpback whale

Sunday, 14 January 2024

Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 13:00 Classic Whale Watching tour. Make sure to dress according to weather, as it is usually colder at sea than on land.



Report from Eldey: The sky was beautiful, the winds were calm, and the whales were abundant during today´s tour - what more could we ask for! We spotted the first humpback whale within twenty minute of the tour´s start. This whale was surfacing frequently and often came up close to us. Once in a while, he made a semi-rolling movement and lifted the pectoral fin in the air. In the same area, a few harbour porpoises briefly came up and two grey seals popped their heads out of the water. We continued our journey to see if there was something else swimming around the bay, and soon after we found another humpback whale right in front of mount Esja. This individual, named Ekki, was diving a bit longer and he often came up behind us. After some surface sequences, we said goodbye to him and returned towards Reykjavík. On the way back we encountered the first humpback whale again. He was swimming in 2-meter deep water, very close to Viðey - this is incredible considering how large the whales are! 

- Eline van Aalderink

Birds encountered on today´s tour:

Northern fulmar, herring gull, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, black-headed gull, eider duck, great cormorant, common guillemot, razorbill, black guillemot