
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan and Eldey: Due to the high number of bookings it was decided to go on the tour with two of our vessels. Anyway both of our boats left the harbour together and we started the sailing into the very calm sea under a clear blue sky. Already after about 20 minutes we saw a few Harbour Porpoises surfacing in some distance to the boats. After some more time our guides spotted the first Minke Whale of this tour, which surfaced 3 times but did not stay around the boats. After this first encounter we decided to head further out and approach the area where we saw the Minke Whales on the morning tour. And this time, we had an even better time with these animals. We again saw at least 3 different animals. But one of the encounters was outstanding: This one individual was very inquisitive and surfaced many times in between our boats, allowing everyone to get a close look at its beauty and take some photographs. After we spend some time enjoying this amazing Minke Whale and already started our way back home, our captains decided to follow the call of another boat, which spotted some White-beaked Dolphins. So we turned the boats and even got to enjoy a pod of 6-7 white-beaked dolphins which surfaced a couple of times around our vessels giving us the opportunity to  also watch the natural behaviour of these smaller cetaceans. After enjoying them for a few minutes we had to go back to the harbour. But as everyone just thought that this was the end of our wildlife encounters for the day, we spotted two more Minke Whales which surfaced just in front of our boats when we were heading back. But even that was not enough, getting closer to the harbour we again saw some Harbour Porpoises popping up from the water very close but also in some distance to the boats. What an amazing day!!!

- Nicole


Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: We left the harbour at nice conditions, giving the blue sky and the calm sea. However, it was pretty windy and cold. After about 30 minutes we had our first cetacean encounter. We saw 2 Harbour Porpoises. But these we spotted only once as they were very elusive. After a few more minutes we spotted a Minke Whale. But also this individual was very elusive and only was seen surfacing twice. Thus, we kept heading out, where after waiting for a while we found our selves in the middle of at least 3 Minke Whales which surfaced in the distance but also as close as 50 m to the boat allowing the majority of passengers to get a good look at them. We spend some time watching these elegant animals which were most likely feeding on the schooling fish just above the sea floor, before we turned and enjoyed the ride back to the harbour. 

- Nicole 

Bird species seen on todays tours include: northern gannet, northern fulmar, kittiwake, Atlantic puffin, eider duck, goose, lesser black-backed gull, and black-headed gull. 

Tour status at 13:00: RUNNING

Tour status at 9:00: RUNNING

We are sailing out from Reykjavik's Old harbour on this sunny day. To book a tour please contact our ticket office +354 519 5000 or