Sunday, 16 March 2025

Sunday, 16 March 2025



Report from Eldey: We headed out with warm weather and calm seas, the sun was trying to push through the clouds, which she managed to do a few times during the tour. Not far from harbor we saw our first cetaceans - a pod of 7 white-beaked dolphins. We were having a lovely time with them, watching them surfacing, but after a while we left them alone to not disturb them too much. Shortly after, we saw a blow not far away, so we went there, it was a Humpback Whale ! So we stayed with him for a while and he gave us 3 times a really beautiful view of it's fluke ! But all good things must come to an end, so we had to go back to the harbor. On the way back, we saw another pod of dolphins again and they had a little calf with them, that was still a little orange, which means it is veeeeery young ! We also saw a Humpback a little further away, but had to go back. During the tour we saw 3 rainbows as well. What a great tour. 

- Kylie Veal 


Report from Eldey: Amazing sightings this afternoon! We started our journey sailing into Faxafloi searching for adventure, just after 15 min we spotted a blow ! as we approached the area we could see a humpback whale! We watched as it went down diving into the deep and waited around just to see it pop up a few minutes later! We enjoy the presence of the whale for a few minutes before we decided to have a look to what else is around in the bay. To our surprise started noticing a few splashes in the horizon as we got closer we saw a massive dorsal fin coming out of the water! There were no doubts! Orcas!! a small group with 4 males and 2 females came to join us in Faxafloi! we had an amazing sighting with a orca jumping slightly out of the water! and we even saw a tail slap! We stayed with the pod as long as we could but unfortunately it was time to head back home! 


This is one of the Elding crew's favourite species so excitement is especially high when we get to see these amazing animals. Occasionally they venture into Faxaflói Bay but chances of seeing them are greater when we sail from other harbours. They are the largest of the dolphins and the male dorsal fin can get up to 1.8m high and very triangular whereas the females dorsals are curved.


The Humpback Whale is quite spectacular undergoing the longest migration of any mammal (5176miles/8334km one way), attracting females by singing to them and of course their energetic nature. On many occasions humpbacks have been seen breaching, tail slapping, fin slapping, blowing bubbles and spy hopping just to mention a few. The humpback is also one of the larger whales we encounter


The white-beaked dolphin is the most common dolphin found in the surrounding waters of Iceland and is seen not only in the summer but winter too usually in larger numbers, hundreds sometimes. When feeding they show energetic behaviour such as breaching out of the water and coming down with a big splash and bursts of fast swimming.