
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



 TOUR CANCELLED | at 19:00


Report from Eldey: With a lot of sunshine still in our faces and the wind and sea slowly calming down, we experienced still some waves on our journey. We did enjoy beautiful views along our ride, of Akrafjall and Akranes as well as Reykjanes. We also encountered a few last of our Atlantik puffins flying around as well as northern fulmars and northern gannets along the way. But the animals we were hoping to find were nowhere to be seen. As we want our passengers to experience whales and dolphins on our tours, we offered all of them the chance to come on another, hopefully more successful tour with us in the future.

-Christina Winkler


Report from Elding: The strong wind that had been blowing during the last days seemed to had calmed down  a little bit finally, although in the way back, we could feel it directly as strong as in the morning. Our captain, wisely, decided to look for the shelter of the mountains, trying to avoid the last gusts of wind coming from the North. Thanks to that, the movement of the boat was quite mild during most of the trip. After an hour sailing, we spotted a minke whale. Unfortunately, it just surfaced once so we didn´t have the chance to get a deeper look of the animal. We were waiting but it didn´t appear within our sight. We continued our searching tiressly but, unluckily, we couldn´t find the cetaceans this time. Nevertheless, our passengers felt happy when we offered them the opportunity to come back again, in the next two years, free of charge.


Report from Eldey: Beautiful icelandic weather today as this week the wind was blowing. We did go out into Faxafloi Bay sailing along the coast towards Akranes to make the ride as enjoyable as possible for our passengers. We saw a variety of seabirds, such as artic terns, northern gannets and the atlantic puffin. As we are always in contact with all the boats in the area, another whale watching boat told as that a small pod of white-beaked dolphins was in the area so we stayed for a while next to Akranes but it seemed like they just dissapeared completly. When we were nearing the harbour we offered our passengers the second chance to come for free with us and try to see these wonderful animals that we have in the bay.

- Jose Manuel Marco



Report from Elding: Hold on to your hats and sunglasses everyone, the winds are energetic today! What a windy tour we had. But all our passengers seemed in for the adventure and were enjoying the waves splashing them. Great to see such motivation and everyone helping to spot for whales and dolphins. We sailed along Snaefellsness and around Akraness, finally back through the more western part of the bay, but remained unsuccessful. Complimentary tickets were offered to everyone and all passengers were eager to return for another trip, wether it will be as adventorous or with less wind.

- Sabrina Voswinkel


 Report from Eldey: After the previous day being cancelled because of bad weather we decided to try to sail out into Faxafloi Bay again. With the winds still blowing strong from the north, the ride along the coast towards Akranes was actually much smoother than expected. The whole way along Hvalfjordur we were followed closely by lots of northern fulmars, who have a colony on the bottom of the fjord, near Glymur. We then decided to go out further into the bay and even on the way back we encountered a lot of plunge diving northern gannets, but unfortunately the whales and dolphins did not make any appearance on this tour. So we offered all our passengers to come onto another tour with us in the future, free of charge. Now let's hope that the weather will pick up and allows us to search in other areas of the bay for the next tour.

-Christina Winkler

Bird species identified today: Atlantic puffin, northern fulmar, northern gannet, european shag, black-legged kittiwake, black-backed gull, arctic tern, common guillemot.

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík this morning at 9:00, 10:00, 13:00 & 14:00. The tours at 17:00 and 19:00 are pending. It is windy today and has been for the past couple of days therefore we are expecting rough seas. If you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000