
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Sunday, 19 September 2010

Tour at 13:00

The weather was great again this afternoon, sun was shining and a bit warmer then this morning. We headed out and after searching for a while we spotted a Minke Whale. This Minke Whale was pretty shy and we spotted only 3 times, the last time we saw it surface it came really close to the boat, only 5 meters away from us or so but after that it disappeared. We kept on searching and later we found another Minke Whale. While we were heading towards it we saw it roll in the surface causing huge splashes, when we got to the area it surface several times for us again.


Tour at 09:00

The weather was great this morning. We headed out and started searching. There were not many birds around and at first we didn't spot anything util we spotted a tall dorsal fin coming up to the surface once and then again further away from us. We slowed down and waited patient for it to surface again and there they were a beautiful pod of White-beaked Dolphins. Those dolphins were very busy and swam pretty fast so we had to sail pretty fast to keep up with them. They also came very close to us several times swimming under the boat, leaping out of the water and swimming around us. After staying with them for a while we headed on to see if we could find any other spieces. Unfortunatelly we didn't but we did find another pod of White-beaked Dolphins further out that we also stayed with for a little while. To sum it up this morning we didn't see many birds around us but we spotted two great pods of White-beaked Dolphins.