
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Sunday, 2 June 2013

Tour at 17:00 Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was amazing as we headed out and we decided to go straight to the area were we have been in the last tours. After about 50 minutes of sailing and searching we saw some harbour  Porpoises that surfaced around us and soon after that the first Minke Whale of the tour came up. We saw a few Minke Whales surfacing around us, maybe 3-4 animals. They surfaced about 3-4 times and then took a deep dive and were gone. While we were searching a couple of Harbour Porpoises surfaced just next to the boat and were there for some time so we got a good look at them. The Minke's were hard to keep up with and after we got a good look at them we decided to head to the Puffin Island, Lundey were we enjoyed the sighting of the Atlantic Puffins. It was a very enjoyable trip and the weather very nice ! - Freydís Ósk HjörvarsdóttirTour at 14:00

Report from Elding II and Skrúður. In the afternoon, the sea was still perfectly calm and the sun was shining when we headed out towards faxa bay. It did not take us long, just about twenty minutes, until we spotted a surfacing Minke Whale about 200 meters in front of us. As we got closer, we did thoroughly enjoy the beautiful creature. We were also very happy to see many Harbour Porpoises (about 15 to 20 in total) around our boat throughout the tour. Some of them came very close so that we could see them feeding next to our boat. Form then on it was just amazing to see more and more Minke Whales surfacing in the closer surroundings (we saw between 5 and 10 individuals) one of them showing up less then ten meters from our boat. In the end of the tour, we visited Akurey where the Atlantic Puffins are breeding in the summer. The charismatic birds were swimming and flying around the island and everyone enjoyed the sound of singing Arctic Terns on this calm icelandic summer day. Also, the team spirit on this tour was very strong making the trip fun and very good team play - Thank all of you for your nice company and outstanding spotting support!

- Hendrik Schultz


Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We started the trip with a visit to Akurey to see the puffins and then we headed out. after 30 minutes we saw a lot of Harbour Porpoises and then our first Minke Whale! There were a lot of Minke's around us and we got such a good look at them, there might have been atleast 10 animals in the area, we stayed there and watched them surfacing, sometimes even 2-3 animals at the same time. What a beautiful sighting in a good tour- Freydís Ósk Hjörvarsdóttir


Tour at 10:00

Report from Skrúður. We headed out in beautiful weather. The sea was very calm. After sailing for about 40 minutes we encountered a pod of 6-8 White-Beaked Dolphins. We followed this pod for a while before continuing our search in hope of seeing something more. We got what we wished for because in just a few minutes a Minke Whale surfaced within 1m from the boat. We stayed in the same area for an hour or so and in that time we saw probably 5-7 Minke Whales and two pods of 4-6 Harbour Porpoises. On our way back we stopped in Akurey where we saw lots of puffins and other birds. An amazing tour on a beautiful day.

-Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir


Tour at 9:00Report from Hafsúlan : The weather was amazing as we headed out this morning. We started the trip with going to Lundey the Puffin Island and then sailed out.  we sailed for about 30 minutes and then we saw a group of logging ( sleeping ) White-beaked dolphins, we turned the boat engine off and listened to their blows and watched them surfacing for a while. After that we decided to go to another spot and pretty soon we saw 15-20 Harbour Porpoises all around us and they were even breaching ( jumping up! ) , and came very close ! But then we saw the first big blow from a Minke Whale! there were about 4 animals in the area and they came very close and we got a great look at those beautiful animals!what an amazing trip in great weather ! -Freydís Ósk Hjörvarsdóttir


Birds seen on today's tours: Atlantic Puffins, Northern Gannets, Fulmars, Black-backed Gulls, Kittiwakes, Cormorants, Eider Ducks, Black Guillemots, Common Guillemots, Razorbills, Arctic Terns