
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Sunday, 20 April 2014

Report at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan and Elding: again we went out from Keflavik with two boats. As we headed out from the harbour it was snowing and the visability not at it's best. We searched for about 20-30 minutes and all of a sudden it stopped snowing and a blow was spotted. It was a Humpback Whale , the first out of 4 that we spotted in the area. Some of the whales changed directions fast but we saw two of them surface lunge feeding very close to the boat! it was so much fun watching these amazing feeding behaviours of the humpbacks and they constantly surprised us as they took a deep dive and then surfaced only 1-2 meters away from the boat! There were a lot of seabirds in the area and some of them followed the humpbacks and picked up the fish that they dropped as they surfaced. After spending a good time with the humpback whales we decided to sail towards Reykjavík, as we were going to end the tour there. We sailed through a big area, constantly scanning the ocean but unfortunately no animals were spotted on the way. As we ended the tour in Reykjavík, the weather had slowed down and it seemed like the clouds were clearing up. Seemed like a good ending to a great tour with the friendly humpback whales. -Freydís & Soffía

Report from 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan & Elding: We took two boats out from the harbour in Keflavik today. The weather was very fluctuating and changed constantly, if you heard the saying "if you dont like the the weather in Iceland, just wait for few minutes, it will change", that descripes the weather today perfectly. We were barely out of the harbour when the first blow was spotted! it was a Humpback Whale, It surfaced once and then it lob tailed right in fron of the boat for a couple of times! As we scanned through the area around us we noticed more blows, there were around 5 humpback whales that we saw in this tour and we managed to get an amazing look at them, some even swam right under the boats and surfaced right next to it. The humpback whales all seemed to be feeding which is great, if there is food in the bay, hopefully the whales will stay! After spending a good amount of time with the whales we sailed close to a big cliff with a lighthouse on top of it and took a look at this breeding area of the kittiwakes.It was a wonderful tour with the humpback whales, and we sure did get a "icelandic weather experience!"- Freydis & SoffíaBirds seen on todays tours include: Fulmars, Northern Gannets, Razorbills, Guillemots, Kittiwakes, Lesser black-backed gulls, Eider-ducks & Cormorants