Sunday, 21 August 2011

Tour at 17:00

The weather was just perfect for a whale watching tour! Very soon in our tour we found some harbour porpoises! They were surfacing only 30 meters away from us but they were little bit shy, so we decided to head further out. After a little while we saw a minke whale! This whale has been sighted many times this summer and was first seen in our tours in 2009. This minke was surface feeding, rolling in the surface with its belly up, and just in front of us! WOW, so amazing to see it so close to us for such a long time! Great tour!


Tour at 13:00

What a tour!! Out in the bay it wasn't long until we met our first Minke whale which popped up right next to the boat, no more than 7 metres. Soon after, two large pods of the cute little Harbour Porpoises crossed our path, making their squeaking blow sound and splashing around on the water. The next few Minkes were a bit more elusive but then we found White-beaked dolphins. To top off the tour, we even saw a juvenile Minke whale (!) showed up and stayed close with us until we had to go home. JUST AWESOME!!


Tour at 09:00

Report from Elding: Once again perfect whale watching weather with mirror calm seas, it was a little cloudy which made it rain at the end of the tour but it didn't last long. Our first cetacean of the tour was a small pod of Harbour Porpoises which surfaced many times and at quite a few occasions during the tour. Then we got the an area were there were a couple of Minke Whales, we stayed with one in particular which had a diving sequence of coming to the surface 2 times before going for a long deeper dive so we had to be quite patient for this whale. The fish was near the bottom too so maybe the reason for the long deep dives. Suddenly, two small scattered pods of White-beaked Dolphins showed up which ended the tour perfectly. Fantastic Tour!!

Report from Hafúlan: Really outstanding tour! We found our first two Minke whales quite soon and a few more after. We could not get extremely close because they were evading us. Even thought we kept trying, it was the same with the other 5 Minkes we found until finally we got one 5 metres close to the boat. Huge blow! Then, we spotted white-beaked dolphins in the distance and stayed with them for some time. All along, little Porpoises popped up all around us. With 3/4 of our usual cetaceans covered a really successful excursion into the beautiful Faxaflói bay.