Sunday, 23 October 2011

Tour at 13:00

Today we sailed out from Grindavík, because of a better weather. It didn't take us long until we spotted 2 big blows in the distance, so we headed over there, on the way we spotted 3 harbour porpoises next to us but they disappear pretty quickly and all of a sudden we spotted 2 other big blows only 150 meters away from us so we went there and it was 2 BLUE WHALES!! They were just amazing, we followed them for a while and once they surfaced only 4-5 meters away from us with a load blow noise it was FANTASTIC!! When we were watching these great blue whales we spotted another blow in the distance. When the time was up, sadly we had to leave these blue whales behind but on the way back home we spotted a blow only 200 meters away. And it was a HUMPBACK WHALE, it was moving fast so unfortunately we could not take a good look at it. A mind blowing tour we had today :)