
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour status 9am and 1pm: RUNNING!

Today we are sailing from the Old Harbour, the weather is calm, wind is coming in from the south at 4-8 m/s, 7°C. 


Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Our patience got tested this afternoon ! It took us a while before seeing our first species, almost two hours. The bay is a wide area to cover, and probably not much animals were out there, but at least we enjoyed for the first time in a while good sea and weather conditions. We had an temporary rain that lasted few minutes, but mostly we had calm sea, weak wind, and bearable temperatures with the help of our trusty full-body suits. But finally, late in our tour we got news from the same 2 humpback whales we saw this morning ! When we met them, it was obvious that their mood changed from our previous trip, they were taking more frequent and longer dives, but they passed several times in front of our boat so we could sight them well. As we were far away from Reykjavik, and already behind schedule, we had to reluctantly turn the boat to go home. Fortunately, on the way back we had the visit of a pod of 4-5 white-beaked dolphins. They were swimming at a really high space, going around the boat and sneaking behind us, but with an experienced maneuvering of the boat from the captain and sharp attention of the passengers hopefully everyone could see them. The sailing back went smoothly and quietly, ending this trip in a relaxing mood. We hope this day will mark the end of the dry spell that we endured the last few days, and invite everyone to join us on our next trips !

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: What an amazing tour!I did not expect this to be honest. Lately it´s been a bit scarce with cetaceans in the bay but, as usual, life is full of surprises and today, we saw a pair of humpback whales traveling together. It was lovely!one of them even raised its fluke before going for a deeper dive. It was a new one we have not cataloged yet. What I like about these encounters is that it might have been the first time some of our passengers did see a whale and they did so with us! especially kids! we had a lot today on board. Furthermore, those humpbacks were not the only cetaceans we encounter on our tour. A pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins feeding, leaping and breaching left the audience in awe. It took us quite some time to find all of them but, good things in life take time and this tour was no exception. I loved it.

- Jorge Pascual

Birds species seen on today´s tour: northern gannet, great black-backed gull, razorbill, iceland gull, glaucous gull.