
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Sunday, 24 June 2012

Tour at 20:30

Unfortunately the tour was cancelled due to unfavourable weather conditions.


Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We started again from Reykjavík into a bit more windy and choppy bay this afternoon. We headed straight out into the bay and decided to stop at the Puffin colony on our way back to land. The sea conditions got more and more choppy as further we came out into the bay. Unfortunately we only spotted once a Minke Whale that surfaced only twice. After that we were searching for a really long time with no luck, so we decided to give everyone on board a complimentary ticket to try to find the whales another day again.


Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding : No sighting during this tour even though we saw the puffin island of Akurey in the end with so many birds on the island and flying all around, more than usual! Complimentary tickets were given to our passengers.


Tour at 1300 Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was still great when we left the harbor, just the wind picked up a little bit and it was a bit more choppy once we were further out in the bay. Before that we stopped at Akurey the puffin colony, which was great to look at! Heading out for a while we spotted the first Minke Whale of the tour not very far out in Faxaflói Bay. It was choppy and a bit challenging to watch the busy feeding Minke but we all got a great look on it before it disappeared. After that we went on searching and found during the tour at least 5+ other individuals. The highlight of the tour were two Minkes surfacing side by side together in front of our boat. Great tour with a bit mre wind than in the morning but great Minke Whales to watch!


Tour at 1000

Report from Elding : We went first to Akurey puffin island and saw them all around flying or floatting at the surface and on the island. We arrived in the whale area and spotted our first minke whale we stayed with for a little bit then a second one appeared like 80 meters left from the one we followed. We manage to stay quite a while with it and we got a third minke. we all saw them close to the boat and managed to see the white stripes or band thez get on their flippers several times. To finnish in beauty we got a big pod of harbour porpoises all around the boat some even came closer that we could see them swimming fast under water and one made a cirlce on the right side of the boat... Interesing tour and great cetaceans!


Tour at 0900

Report from Hafsúlan: This morning we stopped on our way out at Akurey to watch the Puffins on the island. After that we headed straight into Faxaflói Bay were it did not take us a long time to spot the first Minke Whale of the tour. It seemed to be searching for prey as it surfaced shortly and dived for a long time in between. In the same area we found after a while at least two other individuals, that we watched for some time. One of the came suddendly just 3 meter in front of our boat to the surface! Wow, this was a great surprise. Once they were more difficult to spot we decided to change our location and headed on. It was the right decicion as we found 2+ other Minke Whales and two pods of Harbor Porpoises each around 2-4 individuals. What a great situation with two species around us, the Porpoises even dived under the boat and surfaced slowly not more than 2 meter away from us, at the same time Minke Whales surfaced at the other side of the boat. It was great to compare their size to the size of a Minke Whale! Great start into a beautyful bay!