
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Sunday, 24 May 2015

Tour at 17:00

Unfortunately due to weather concerns the 17:00 tour has been canceled. Apologies for any inconvience caused. Please contact us at our ticket office for information. 

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The wind and swell picked up from the mornings cruise. After this mornings shy minke whales myself and Marcus were eager to spot a more generous minke. With the wind blowing hard in to our eyes we blinked away the dry eyes in the hopes of spotting something. Again the harbour porpoises from the morning teased us only surfacing twice before hearing me point out their location and vanishing. In the distance we spotted a few diving gannets so we headed in that direction hoping to catch a feeding minke. We puttered around scanning the ocean without seeing a sign of cetaceans. Then as people became complacent and began to daydream a large minke surfaced right in front of the boat before slipping beneath the water. As everyone began to waken it surfaced once more very close to the boat before disappearing. Unfortuately it  appeared I was the only one to glimpse the minke. We steamed back to shore but not before offering some complimentary tickets. It was unfortunate that we didn´t see more of the whales. 

Tommy Torrades

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We made our departure from Reykjavik in to choppy waters early. Everyone onboard was eager to catch a glimpse of something even though there were a few green faces. A few puffins sat on the surface puzzled by our presence as we passed them. With the water being a little rough we headed a little more to the south of the bay to seek shelter. Then all of a sudden there was a quick flash of black as two harbour porpoises came up close to the boat and then just a quick they disappeared. Of course as soon as we slowed to see if we could spot them they became shy. We carried on a bit further out and thats when we just spotted a minke whale who seemed to be wanting to remain incognito. After several fruitless minutes searching we made our way back in to the inner bay and about 30 mins from Reykjavik a second minke surfaced and almost as if in cahotes with the porpoises and other minke disappeared. Regretfully most of the passengers didn´t glimpse these wily creatures today so they were all offered complimentary tickets. Next time they come out we hope the cetaceans aren´t as shy.

Tommy Torrades

Bird species seen on today's tour include: northern gannets, northern fulmars, kittiwakes, black-backed gulls, puffins, arctic skuas, common guillemots, arctic terns and manx shearwaters.