
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Sunday, 29 December 2013

Tour at 13:00

Report from Elding and Hafsúlan: Today we sailed out on two boats from Hafnarfjörður harbour. We headed out of the harbour and sailed west with the wind. Our sail out was rather windy but not to choppy. Not long after we left the harbour Elding spotted a pod of Harbour Porpoises. Hafsúlan, however, continued heading west and soon we encountered a pod of 5-7 White-beaked dolphins. The dolphins seemed to be very preocupied with feeding and they didn't show much interest in the boat. It was very interesting to see how they all swam in different directions during their feeding frenzy. After the dolphins disappeared we sailed back to Hafnarfjörður. On the way back we felt the rough weather as we sailed against the wind and into the waves. Some enjoyed the adventure but a few green faces also started to present itself. The sky was clear and the view was great.

Soffia and Megan

Birds seen on today´s tour included: Glaucous Gulls, Iceland Gulls, Lesser black-backed Gulls, Red-breasted Mergansers, Shags, Cormorants, Gannets, Guillemots, Eider Ducks.