
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Sunday, 4 May 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: What an afternoon! The conditions for whale watching were perfect! The sun was shining and the sea was very calm. The visability was very good as well. We started by seeing few Harbour Porpoises on our way out. When we got further out we spotted few Minke Whales around us. After staying with the minkies for a while we saw a big blow in a distance. As we got closer we saw it was a Humpback Whale! It was so nice to see it surface close to us, showing us the fluke and allowing us to hear it exhale. We stayed there for a while as the humpback was taking long dives inbetween showing us the fluke. Suddenly we saw the whole animal in the air! Breaching humpback whale WOW! It was amazing to see this and that close to us. We stayed with the humpback for few more minutes before heading on. On our way we saw few more minkies but they were all little elusive. It was an amazing afternoon with lot of animals in the area.

-Sveinn Guðmundsson

Tour at 9:00Report from Hafsúlan : The seas was calm and the sun tried to peak through the clouds as we headed out this morning. The sail was quite nice and after about 40 minutes we spotted a big blow in the distance! As we got closer we were thrilled to see that the blow was from a beautiful ful Humpback Whale. The animal surfaced around the boat, taking long deep dives in between and showing us it's fluke. The whale seemed to be feeding as it changed direction constantly but was still always moving around the same area. We watched the humpback for over 40 minutes and then decided to head further out and search for something more so we wouldn't disturb the humpback to much. As we sailed around some passengers spotted a Minke Whale, but unfortunately it only surfaced once and then disappeared. On our way back to the harbour we spotted 10-15 Harbour porpoises spreaded around the area and we got a great look at them. While we were watching them a 2nd minke whale surfaced quite close. This animal was quite friendly and allowed us to get a good look at it while it surfaced a couple of times around us. After the minke took a deeper dive it was time to head back to the harbour, the sun was out and the sail was very enjoyable!Great morning tour with several cetaceans and a alot of interesting birds.- Freydís Ósk Birds seen on todays tours include: Fulmars, Arctic Terns, Black-backed Gulls, Eider-ducks, Northern Gannets, Atlantic Puffins, Kittiwakes, Great Skuas, Arctic Skuas & Black Guillemots