
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We have been out for what may have been the nicest tour of the year weather-wise. There  was almost no swell and the wind decreased drastically from the morning. There was only a freezing cold to test our mental. We went out and sailed for what felt like an eternity without witnessing much wildlife, but we eventually joined a crazy feeding frenzy of about 30 white-beaked dolphins ! This encounter ended up completely mental, with dolphins leaping and dashing everywhere around all the boats in the area, and they were also hundreds of birds  sticking with them and meticulously snatching away some tasty leftovers. The more we were looking around the more dolphins we were spotting ! It was such a good show that we decided to stay overtime in the area, the sight was well worth the late. When we left the feeding dolphins, our heads were spinning and our necks aching since we had to look in all directions every time. This is the indicator of a good whale watching ! The sailing back to the harbour turned out to be a sunny one, in a quiet atmosphere with the afternoon sun, that was only disrupted when an additional pod of 10 white-beaked dolphins passed by.  

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: We left Reykjavik on a beautiful, sunny morning. The seas were calm and we headed off with wind from the North. After 20 minutes we sighted a small flock of seabirds including the northern fulmar, black-backed gull and a special Icelandic gull feeding. This flock of birds hinted to us a pod of 4-5 white-beaked dolphins, feeding beneath the waves. Initially we barely saw their dorsal fins, but then as we came closer they were feeding directly underneath the seas surface. Moving with leaps and splashes, simply a great experience. Many people had a chance to take very nice photographs as we stayed with the dolphins for around 20 minutes. Inbetween we also saw briefly 2-3 very adorable harbour porpoises. Then we moved off further out to search for more wildlife and saw a second pod of white-beaked dolphins, again 4-5 individuals. This pod was likely resting or slowly travelling. We stayed for 10 minutes and then moved off to follow reports of a minke whale nearby. By the time we reached the designated area, the minke unfortunately had disappeared, so we started heading back to Reykjavik harbour, enjoying the first sunny tour for days.

- Corinna and Babsi


Bird species seen on today's tour: northern fulmar, Icelandic gull, lesser black-backed gull, northern gannet, eider duck, black-headed gull, glaucous gull, raven, common guillemot and black-legged kittwake.


Tour at 1 pm: RUNNING

Tour at 9 am: RUNNING

We are sailing today from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík, the weather is calm today but we are expecting some rough seas after the windy weather yestarday. For more information please contact our ticket office by email, or by phone, +354 519 5000.