
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Thursday, 03 April 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather stayed pretty much the same this afternoon no not much to report there. The first cetacean spotted was a Minke Whale that surfaced a couple of times but quite difficult to point out. We were about to head further out when another whale watching boat found a small pod of 3-5 White-beaked Dolphins. They were rather elusive and always heading away. So we headed further offshore. A small pod of Harbour Porpoises (3-5 animals) was sighted too but again difficult to show passengers but I think some saw them. Another Minke Whale showed up after a while  and the passengers got a great look at him/her after about 5 surfaces ending up 20-30 meters from our boat. Then after a little while of waiting we saw a big blow in the binoculars. Once in the area of the blow we spotted a Minke Whale, this couldn´t be right! a big blow from a little whale. Then after about 10 minutes of waiting a Humpback Whale surfaced just about 50 meters from our boat and a couple of times to. This was a grumpy humpie as it went for 15-20 minute dives and when at the surface it was really difficult to spot as the sea was very dark today. We tried to see it a couple more times but in the end we had to give up and sail home. On the way we found a massive flock of kittiwakes and fulmars and a great pod of dolphins with their babies. Leaving everyone very happy.


Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The wind was coming in from the East today as we sailed offshore, sun was shining . Passengers spotted a pod of about 7-10 White-beaked Dolphins, travelling fast and leaping towards Reykjavik. we tried to keep up with them but in the end gave up after a nice viewing and continued offshore. After another 20 minutes we spotted a Minke Whale in the direction of Akranes quite far away. Surfaced fast 4 times then disappeared. From the photograph taken we could see that this minke whale was one called Peanut and Minke whale we have been viewing every year since 2007.Whoo hoo! Another 20 minutes and we found an area with 2 minke whales, again surfacing fast but more passengers got to see these. Later on we found the jackpot, an area with 3-4 Minke Whales feeding with many birds. They surfaced close and so we just turned off the engines and enjoyed the sounds. On the way home we found our third species of 3-5 Harbour Porpoises. Perfect ending to a wonderful tour.


Birds seen on todays tour include: Northern Gannet, Northern Fulmar, Eider Duck, Kittiwake, Black-Backed Gull, Glaucous Gull, shags, Arctic Skua.