
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Thursday, 09 August 2012

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Again we started in Hafnafjirðir to have a better shelter from land. We sailed into an area where our other vessel spotted a Minke Whale in the tour before but unfortunately there was nothing to find on our tour. After a long searching we sailed back towards land and spotted 3 Harbor Porpoises for a short moment. They were shy and illusive as usual so we did not stay long and went on serching. Back in the harbor every one on board got a complimentary ticket to come again on a tour with us.

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: We sailed out from the Harbor of Hafnarfjörður on this trip like the 13:00 trip to try to get some shelter from the wind. We had to sail pretty far along Reykjanes peninsula looking for whales but on the way we had a nice view of the landscape and the seabirds that flew along the boat. After a bit of a search we spotted a Minke Whale in the distance, when we came closer we found out that there were not only one Minke feeding there in the area but two! So we happily spend as long time as we could there with these very busy Minkes until it was time to sail back to the harbor in Hafnarfjörður. So even if the sea condition were not the greatest we had a very good time watching these beautiful Minkes.Birds seen on this tour: Kittiwake, Fullmars, Artic Skuas, Northern Gannets, Storm Petrels, Black Backed Gulls and more.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We brought the boats to Hafnafjirðir and started our tour there. Sailing close to land we had a better shelter from the wind and not that much waves. Unfortunately we were searching during the whole tour in a great area and there was not one sign of a whale. We stopped a few times as we thought there was something but we were not lucky at all. In the end of the tour we gave passengers complimentary tickets to try to find the whales another day again.