
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Thursday, 1 January 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan and Elding:

First of all Happy New Years to all.

We took two boats out on our 1pm scheduled departure today due to the high passenger numbers. We enjoyed the company of almost 250 passengers. The forecasted sea conditions looked good and the snow was meant to be scattered and passing quickly. This was quite different to what we experienced out at sea. Unfortunately, the sea was a bit too much for some even though we offered free sea sickness tablets on board there were a few green faces on board. On the Elding boat, however, our passengers faired much better and could enjoy the tour much more. It is always advised to take a sea sickness tablet early and be in the wonderful clean fresh air of Iceland to help prevent that unwelcoming feeling. Also, winters in the North Atlantic can be a bit challenging at times so if your prone to sea sickness then the summer season would be the best for you. We made well use of the free overalls offered too as it snowed constantly for the first half of the tour and when heading into the wind, it was bitterly cold. Elding was the luckiest with seeing a 1-2 harbour porpoises a couple of times but that was it for the 3 whale watching boats out on the bay today (1 boat from another company). For the bird lovers that joined us today, saw a lovely variety of Icelands winter seabirds, which are listed below. It has not been a very good December for sightings and weather this year, compared to others, lets hope January will show much more. We offered our passengers complimentary tickets and hope their luck will be better next time.

Lets all wish for a more productive whale watching year in 2015.

-Megan Whittaker

Seabirds seen on today's tours: long-tailed ducks, eider ducks, fulmars, black guillemots, common guillemots, glaucous gulls, kittiwakes, black-backed gulls, shags and cormorants.