
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Thursday, 10 May 2012

Tour at 1300

What a tour, best tour in a long time with Minke Whales (at least 10-15 individuals we saw throughout the tour) surfacing in all directions and distances, Harbour Porpoises skimming the waters in their little groups and Gannets plunging into the water a meter or two from the boat and if that wasn´t enough we had mirror calm seas and dynamic cloud formations giving the skies a moody but bright look. We also saw many Puffins scattered everywhere swimming on the waters surface or flying rapidly through the air. On a couple of occasions we just turned of the engines and listened to nature at its best. Great tour.


Tour at 0900

Beautiful day and tour this morning. We had cloudy skies and it only rained lightly once for a very short time before a rainbow came out and the sea conditions were nice and smooth. We wanted to check out the puffin situation on the islands we have close to the city as the tide and sea conditions were perfect. We don´t start our regular Puffin Watching tours till the 15th May but it was great to see how many puffin were there and there were lots. We stayed there for a couple of minutes before heading further offshore. We came to an area were there was 4-5 Minke Whales a couple we got quite close too within 10-20 meters at least but it is always up to the whales if they want to come even closer. We also saw many Harbour Porpoises throughout the tour. We left these Minkes and went further offshore to see if there was anything else in the bay like dolphins but unfortunety, no. We did find another area with two more Minke Whales that we went to see which had no other whale watching boats around. Again we had some really nice close encounters with one of these Minkes before we had to head back to the harbour. Great Whale Watching day.