Thursday, 10 September 2009

Tour at 13:00

The wind had picked up a bit since this morning and it started raining, too. At the same area like in the morning we found the minke whales again. They made it a bit more difficult for us this time. They liked to dive rather a longer time and stayed mostly it bit further away from the boat. But we were patient and got rewarded: the star of the afternoon was a minke whale who suddenly surfaced several times just beside the boat - very close!!!  We were very satisfied with that :-)


Tour at 9:00

A really nice morning out there in the bay! Our first sightings were a few harbour porpoises, we could watch them quite well but they got away as soon as possible. A bit later we spotted white-beaked dolphins, among them was a mother and its calf. They stayed always in quite a bit distance to the boat and disappeared soon as well, which is a rather usual behaviour for a dolphins with calves. Further out in the bay we found an area with many minke whales, at least 10 to 15 animals. They were everywhere surfacing and feeding. We stayed calm and the whales approached the boat several times. While watching the minke whales some dolphins visited us and we saw many dolphins in the distance jumping out of the water. It was a really nice tour!