
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Thursday, 14 May 2015

Tour at 13:00
As the wind has calmed down quite a bit since this morning so we decided to run the tour this afternoon! It was nice out on the bay and even the sun was trying to break through the clouds. The Reykjanes peninsula was visible but the clouds covered the snæfellsness but it was nice to see the nearby mountains as we sailed out in the bay. We were searching for the whales for over two hours without much luck, the occasional fulmar, puffin, gannet and seagull flying past. It was getting disheartening until we got a call from one of the other whale watching vessels that was out and much further to the southwest than us that saw a big flock of gannets plunging into the water. It took us about 10 minutes to get there and when we did minke whales were popping up everywhere. Much have been between 4-6 individuals, very difficult to photograph and they quickily surfaced here and there. It was incredible to watch them. It was on our way home that we encountered 3 other slow surfacing animals that were much easier to take a picture of. A perfect ending to a long tour. 

-Megan Whittaker

Tour at 09:00
Unfortunately due to rough conditions at sea we have decided to cancel the tour this morning! Please call our office +354 519 5000 or send an email to

Birds seen on today´s tour include; puffins, common guillemots, razorbills, black-backed gulls, kittiwakes, fulmars, gannets, arctic terns and eider ducks.