
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Thursday, 15 October 2015

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We moved our boat Eldey under the morning to Hafnarfjörður and decided to go out from there on the afternoon tour. The sailing started towards the south from the harbour and we got some shelter from the worst swell. We searched towards Keflavík and then did a turn back towards Hafnarfjörður where we planned to end the tour. On our travel we got very nice views of the Reykjanes peninsula. Unfortunately no cetaceans were seen on this tour as well and some days you just got to accept that wildlife can be tricky. We offered complimentary tickets to all passengers so they can return to us for another whale watching tour. We hope for better luck tomorrow! 

- Marcus Bergström

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We had a strong western wind this morning so the swells rolled pretty high when we got out in the bay. The bird life was still quite impressive with many fulmars, gannets and sooty shearwaters present. Probably pushed into the bay by the winds. Observations of whales were on the other hand scarcer, after half the tour some passengers spotted a dark back in the swells. It only surfaced once and then it was gone. It was probably a minke whale but we will never know for certain. We continued the tour with sailing with the wind back towards Reykjavik. All though it was easier searching when the boat wasn´t rocking as much we returned back in harbour empty handed. We gave out complimentary tickets and hope the passengers can come back with us for another whale watching tour.

- Marcus Bergström 

Birds seen on todays tours includes: northern gannets, northern fulmars, "blue" fulmars, sooty shearwaters (25+), glaucous gulls, Iceland gulls, kittiwakes, greater black-backed gulls, black-headed gulls, cormorant, shag, eider duck, razorbill and common guillemot.