Thursday, 16 April 2009

Tour 13:00

The wind went down and the sky got a bit cloudy but the sea was as flat as oil. Perfect to spot whales! Minke whales were still the most abundant out there, followed y harbour porpoises which were still very numerous. White-beaked dolphins were many, more than 15 approaching us, bow riding, surfacing together, we could stay with them a long time!


Tour 9:00

A beautiful sunny day out at sea today. We did spot many Minke whales, moving around the coast, one that we did spot yesterday also. Harbour porpoises, though they were the big surprise this morning. They were in fact, everywhere as far as we can see, in very large groups. One pod even was in front of us and the animals were many times surfacing together and fast swimming. White-beaked dolphins have been spotted as well.