Thursday, 21 May 2009

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was still really good in the afternoon, although the wind had picked up a little (tiny) bit. We sailed out on Faxaflói bay and spotted a minke pretty soon. It wasn't very cooperative, so we headed further out... and that certainly paid off! The next minke whale we spotted was a breaching minke whale, not more than 100 meters from the boat (Hafsúlan). It is not very common to see minke whales breaching, and when they do it is usually in rough seas, so to witness a minke breaching on calm and sunny day like today was very special :-) We were also able to observe a fast swimming, frequently surfacing minke whale for quite some time after that. At the end of the tour we spotted a small group of white beaked dolphins, but we couldn't stay with them for so long because we had to head back to the harbour. On our way back we paid the puffins a visit in the island Akurey. It was a great day out on the bay :-)

Report from Elding: Like on Hafsúla we quickly spotted our first whale at some distance, but once we were close to it it just disappeared. While we waited for that whale we got a call from Hafsúla, which was close by. They had spotted a breaching minke whale, and we got the news to our passengers quickly enough that some were able to see the huge splash. Then the same minke whale surfaced beside our boat and we followed it for a while. Later we saw a little minke whale calf three times. It was really small but we couldn't tell how old it was, however we didn't see its mother. It was again a very nice tour!


Tour at 9:00

It was a beautiful morning with calm sea and sunshine. It didn't take us a long time to spot our first whale, a minke whale. We stayed for quite a while with this whale and the whole time it was surfacing slowly around the boat. We got great opportunities to watch this animal. The second minke whale was as nice as the first one and at the end of the tour we had had two very enjoyable whale sightings as well as a small group of harbour porpoises.