
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 17:00 has been CANCELLED due to unfavourable conditions at sea.


Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The wind picked up a lot from the morning tour, making the sea choppy, so the conditions for spotting the cetaceans were pretty hard. We spotted a single white-beaked dolphin, which surfaced few times and then "disappeared". Shortly after we were lucky and spotted a pod of around 8 individuals of white-beaked dolphins. This pod was not very approachable, so we lost sight of them very soon :( After that, we spotted a blow of a bigger cetacean in the area near by but even though we came closer to the spot, we haven't seen any more sign of this animal. We continued our dedicated search for cetaceans, but unfortunately, haven't seen any more animals during this tour. We would like to thank to numerous passengers who stayed on the upper deck helping us to find cetaceans until the very end of the tour! After experiencing Icelandic strong cold autumn wind, we warmed ourselves with some hot drinks in our onboard cafeteria and offered complimentary tickets to our passengers. With these tickets, valid for the next two years, our passengers can join us on another whale watching tour free of charge. Hope you will use your complimentary tickets and have amazing encounters with these impressive animals!

-Tena Sarcevic

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: We left the harbour in perfect spotting conditions and, sure enough, we hadn't been sailing for a long time when we spotted our first cetacean of the tour. It turned out to be a very small minke whale. Although it was changing directions quite a bit it was pretty predictable in when, where and how often it surfaced so we were able to enjoy its company for a while. We then heard about a pod of white-beaked dolphins so we headed in that direction and soon spotted them. It was a small pod of about 6 individuals and they came towards us to check us out. When we had gotten a good look at them we decided to keep on sailing and soon we spotted another pod of white-beaked dolphins. This pod was much bigger or about 12-15 individuals and they were really showing off! Jumping sideways and coming really close to the boat which was amazing to see! It was then time to head back to the harbour but it was a very nice tour with a minke whale and two pods of white-beaked dolphins.

- Bryndis



We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik on this rather cold day. There is mild wind but there could be some swells out on Faxa Bay after last nights winds. If you are sensitive to motion sickness we offer preventative tablets in the ticket office, free of charge! On board there are heated indoor areas but we also have overalls to keep you warm out on deck.