
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour from 19:00

Report from Elding: Jumping dolphins over a perfect sunset classic combo was the stamp of this midnight ride! The patience of the crew was tested at the beginning, as there was no sign of cetaceans in the bay through the first hour of the tour... But as usual, our perseverance paid off and we finally spotted some huge white splashes in the horizon! The crew immediately knew we were heading for a hell of a sighting as it was quite clear those were white-beaked dolphins breaching!  We approached this group of about 7 to 9 individuals, closing in a very proximate encounter. The animals were in a very joyful and curious mood as they approach our vessel and bow ride along, providing an unforgettable experience of all the audience. After this great show, another one fallowed, as our journey ended with an incredible live music concert in our saloon. Another dream tour with Elding!

- Ines Cunha

Tour from 17:00

Report from Eldey: The wind had picked up towards the last tour, so we sailed out against it but with still quite calm seas. The sun came again and again through the clouds. After a long time we found a big pod of white-beaked dolphins, approximately 20 individuals. It is always a pleasure finding dolphins as they are known from being very interactive and curious by nature. And so it was: as they saw us coming closer, they changed their path, went for a bowride, crossed several times under our boat and continuously jumped out of the water. How much fun was that!? After some time entertaining us, the dolphins decided to move on and so did we. Unfortunately we did not see any more cetaceans on this tour, but what we saw was pretty awesome!

- Sarah Kompatscher

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: Afternoon trip did not disappoint us in terms of sightings or weather. It was only a little bit windy on the way out and the way back was calm and easy. Last days our main area of interest is located around 45 min of sailing. First we joined other boats following pod of 4 white-beaked dolphins but probably becasuse of presence of many vessels animals acted elusive so we left them alone. Next spotted was a minke whale, and a second one. First minke was much smaller that second but both animals let us take a proper look at them. On the way back we found much friendlier pod of 8 white-beaked dolphins, they were travelling fast but as we approchaed they slowed down and stay with us for a while. Nice!

- Ewa Malinowska

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The weather conditions were still favorable and the good experiences from this morning made us believe that this too will be a good one. And that is how it was. It took us some time to see something other then a bird. We spotted one, then the second and soon after there were at least 3 minke whales swimming in the area and we also had one whale passing as close as 6 meters away from the boat. It a was great chance to see these gentle giants up close. Seeing the minkies definitely made us happy and what made us even more happy was seeing a pod of 10-13 white-beaked dolphins that were swimming around the boat care free. A nice ending to a nice tour.

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour at 10:00 

Report from Hafsúlan: Along the tour we were able to ran into a pod of 5 or 6 white-beaked dolphins that seemed to be in quite a high mood, as they stayed quite relaxed and curious in our presence. They obviously manage to impress all our passengers whose “Uaws” of wonder did not pass unnoticed... The animals were socializing and fallowing our boat. Later on we also had the chance to observe a minke whale! It was possible to enjoy its presence for a while, but this one was in a grumpy mood and it started to be a bit hard to keep track of it, so we eventually decided to respect its space and let it be and started heading back home.  

- Ines Cunha

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Yet another fine summer day with just enough sun and calmness on the sea to make our day. A long time passed on this trip until we saw something, but it was proven once more that patience pays off and we managed to have a beautiful interaction with a pod of 13-17 white-beaked dolphins. We had them playing all around us, so on this trip there was no excuse to not have a very good close-up photo of these animals. As a bonus on the tour we visited a huge flock of birds that contained more then a dozen of plunge-diving northern gannets that gave us a powerful display of natures rawness.

-Lucas Heinrich

Birds seen on todays tours: northern fulmar, northern gannet, black legged kittiwake, Atlantic puffin, manx shearwater, common guillemot, black guillemot.

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today, sea conditions are favorable and the sun is shining on the beautiful Faxa Bay today. There can always be some movement on the bay so seasickness tablets are available for those who wish. For more information, contact us by email or by phone +345 519 5000.