Thursday, 24 November 2011

Tour at 13:00

What a tour, absolutely incredible!! We only sailed or about 30 minutes and we saw black triangles and small geysers in the distance, is it? is it? Yes it is ORCA!!!! As we sailed closer we noticed there were about 10 of them from large males to small sub-adult (probably this years calves). It was incredible after about 10 min. watching them relax and rest the action started to happen. Shoals of fish made the sea look black, 20-30 White-beaked Dolphins showed up and hundreds of seabirds started hovering over the action. Dolphins were leaping, and surfacing fast together, Orca were blowing bubbles under the water, spy hopping and using their tails to stun the fish and all just meters from the boat. One of the best tours I have ever seen as a guide. Absolutely Amazing and Life changing experience. Check out the YouTube video also at