Thursday, 27 October 2011

Tour at 13:00

WHAT A TOUR! We were only 4 minutes from the harbour of Grindavík when we spotted some huge black fins coming up to the surface 200 meters away. And it was a BIG group of ORCAS. Lots of feeding birds, diving gannets in the same area so it must been big school of fish there. The Orcas were very busy feeding and we were guessing it must have been between 30-40 animals, from small calves up to huge males. It was amazing, looking at so many beautiful animals surface again and again very close to our boat and further away, to hear them breathing and seeing them slamming their tails. Unbelievable. We stayed whit them for a long time enjoying them a lot. Then we headed further out trying to find something else but no sign of the big whales this time. Incomparable and unforgettable tour.