Thursday, 28 May 2009

Tour 13:00

The wind picked up quite mch this afternoon and so we decided to extend our whale-watching tour ending it in Keflavik. The light conditions were very good, and birds were many on the way. Continuously we did see artic terns, gulls feeding and one time we even spotted a large flock of Manx shearwater. Unfortunately, whales were not many around today. In fact, we had just a Minke whale surfacing once and disappearing very very fast!


Tour 9:00

Good weather today. Maybe a bit windy. We went out to Faxafloi bay stopping by Puffin Island where we had spotted a lot of pairs of Puffins. Then we headed to the feeding ground where unfortunately it has been very difficult to see whales, even if we did spot a small pod of harbour porpoises.