
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Thursday, 30 October 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: we sailed to another area this time, going to the area were we had seen the dolphins yesterday. We could not find any cetaceans there so we sailed further northeast to search there. We had been sailing for a long time until we got a call from another boat that they had spotted some dolphins so of course we went to them. First when we spotted the dolphins from some distance we thought they were 3-4 white-beaked dolphins but when we got closer we saw the group was much larger with 9 individuals. First they were traveling fast but then they slowed down and started to swim around us so we could all get a good look at these beautiful animals. We spent as long time as we could with the dolphins before we had to get back to the harbor.


Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: the wind was coming strongly from the east so we decided to sail closer to land than we usually do. We sailed along the Reykjanes peninsula so we could all enjoy the beautiful landscape there. The sea surface was very bright because of the cloudy sky above us and that makes it always easier for us to spot whales when they come up to the surface. We had been sailing for a long time without seeing a signs of any cetaceans we spotted a flock of active birds so we decided to sail towards them. Flocks of active birds are always a good sign of fish in the area and where there is fish we have a better chance of finding whales. Unfortunately we did not see any whales so all of our passengers got complementary tickets.


Birds seen on today's tour include: Northern gannets, black-backed gulls, glaucous gulls, herring gulls, iceland gulls, eider ducks, cormorants, razorbills and kittiwakes.