
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Thursday, 4 April 2013

Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: Awesome afternoon with 200-300 White beaked Dolphins which were very spread out. A couple of times we could watch the dolphins schooling fish into a tight cluster and hitting the fish with their tails to stun the fish making them easier to catch. After a while we headed back towards land and found two Minke Whales. We could watch one on the left and one on the right, surfacing 3-5 times and then going for a deep dive. On the way back to the harbour we also got to see a third species, the Harbour Porpoise 2-3 pods surfacing fast with 3-5 individuals in each. These are usually more elusive but occasionally we get to have more interacting ones. All in all a great day with amazing wildlife and great weather.

Tour at 09:00 Report from Hafsúlan: Once again we sailed out from Reykjavík harbour in beautiful weather. Very unusual for April but we are definately not going to complain. We sailed far offshore to the area we have been visiting the last couple of days and we were not disappointed. Far in the distance through our binoculars we could see flashes of white and black. Flocks od seabirds and a large pod of White-beaked Dolphins on the horizon. Once we got to the area we could see a pod of maybe 150-200 dolphins all in all, porpoising, breaching, leaping and surfacing just meters from our vessel. It was incredible. We scanned the area with our binoculars and saw no signs of whales so we decided to stay with the dolphins a while longer. They were great

Birds seen on today´s tours include; Gannets, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Glacous Gulls, and Eider Ducks.

- Megan Whittaker

Please stay tuned for photos and video of todays tour.