
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Thursday, 5 April 2012

Tour at 13:00

Well let's start with the end of the tour, because what is a better news than to say, that it was hard to leave because of so many cetaceans around!! We were sailing for a really long time in the foggy bay until we saw the first blow of a bigger cetacean. It was a busy feeding, deep diving Humpback Whale followed by a Minke Whale!!! The Minke seemed just to swim by, as we saw him/her just for a few times. The Humpback showed us not only that he/she can dive for quite a wile, it was logging again and again to check out where to hunt best on the fish. Really close to these two Whales we found at least two more Humpbacks, maybe even more. After it took us a while, until we finally headed back towards the harbour, we had two stop two more times, first because we couldn't leave without having a closer look on a pod of White Beaked Dolphins and a little bit later it was a second Minke Whale that we wanted to see shortly, before we finally headed back to the harbour. A really amazing and long tour with three different kinds of cetaceans!!!


Tour at 9:00

We were sailing out from Reykjavík older harbour as the last days again. And it didn't take as a long time until we were just in the middle of a pod White Beaked Dolphins! They were really amazing, coming close to us, diving under the boat and obviously busy feeding. During the whole tour we saw more and more Dolphins in the Bay at least we stopped at two other families to have a closer look at their behaviour. One group seemed to be resting another one was surfing in the waves, maybe just for fun or to save energy. It was hard to leave those nice Dolphins but we wanted to try to find some bigger Whales. Unfortunately they were not around in the morning tour. So this was definitely a great start in the day with the Dolphins of Faxaflói Bay!