
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: Nice tour to end the day on our boat Eldey! About 40 minutes away form departure we encountered our first humpback whale! Not only it was the easiest big guy to follow (all the time surfacing 30 meters away from our boat, swimming towards the same direction) but it also was determined in giving us an amazing surprise. After going strangely for a deep dive that lasted only 10 seconds, the animal went down again just to breach in front of us! The amazing creature made a full-body-out-of-the-water breach just 20 meters away from our boat, precisely in the spot in which all our passengers were staring at. So you may guess the joy of all our passengers! After that, the animal started to perform a few peduncle throwing and tail slappings. A few times, usually while the humpy was giving us a break, we got to see a minke whale surfacing quite close as well so everybody could definitely see the size difference in between this two giants. A remarkable trip that finished with a second humpback whale appearing out of nowhere and traveling with us for a while!

- Alberto Alejandro

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather hadn't really change from this morning, still windy and a constant change between sun and rain. Still our many passengers were mostly on the outside decks and keen to see some wildlife. Which we showed them! Our first sighting came totally unexpected as a minke whale surfaced on our right side, very close and sudden. It surfaced another two times after, but was always changing direction and taking long inbetween surfaces. So because we had had such a great morning tour, we left this whale to go to the area we had been then. Sure enough, we spotted the humpback whale, together with two more minke whales that we could see much better than the ones before. There were also hundreds of birds scattered all around. All three whales were feeding at first, just after a while the humpback seemed to be more interested in slowing it's pace and having a look at us. It began to "log" on the water surface, meaning it just remained in the same position for several minutes, so we got an amazing look at it. Then it decided to swim around us a bit more, fluking (showing it's tail) numerous times. When we had been with it for more than half an hour, we moved on, spotting another minke whale feeding in a large flock of birds. It was great to see all of this and definitely the perfect tour for photography, as the sun was always shining when we had an encounter.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The wind was still pretty strong and on our way out we go a bit of rain. But soon it stopped and than we all go to enjoy the ride. Soon we got to see two harbour porpoises but they where difficult to follow. But saw a lot of bird in the distance and we headed that way. And there we found two minke whales and a humpback whale, we didn't know where to look. We decided to follow the humpback whale and that he turned on his back and this way we got to see the flippers! He was saying Hallo to us. After that he started tale lobbing and he make some pretty big splashes. Very enjoyable. We continued our way and we found a pod of white-beaked dolphins. They where very playfully and some where even jumping. After spending some time we go a call that a humpback was in the area. When we saw him we recognized him, we had seen him before on the tour. This time he was just milling in the area, still very nice to look at. It was a very nice tour! Something we won't forget soon. 

- Alexandra Bouman

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It felt smooth on the way out but at the sighting grounds, when we were changing direction to follow animals around the ride felt bumpier. By the time we set off out on the bay the 9 o´clock tour had already found a humpback whale out on the bay, therefore we didn't stop for long with animal that we saw on the way to there.The humpback whale was fantastic, it traveled side by side with us for almost 30 minutes! It was so calm and kept o close to the surface we could see the whole body of the animal, from the head to fluke. It was difficult to leave the animal but we wanted to try our luck with spotting other animals on the tour. 4 minke whales were seen within 200 meters of the boat after we left the humpback, some of those minkes we got also great looks at before we turned back towards Reykjavík. 

-Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: There was a strong wind today but the sea was calm no high waves. It was dry and we got a little bit of sun. We left the harbour and it took a bit of time before spotting our first cetaceans but than we saw a minke whale. There were a lot of birds around him so he was feeding in this area. Than an other minke whale popped-up. Than we got a call from an other boat that they spotted a humpback whale. On our way there we got to see one white-beaked dolphin, he was very elusive but some people go to see him. We got closer to the other boat and there we saw the humpback whale. He was easy to follow and he even showed the tail in the end, so nice! On the way back a cute little harbour porpoises came really close to the boat, we could even see him under the water. We got to see all four species so nice! 

- Alexandra Bouman

Birds seen today: Atlantic Puffin, Northern fulmar, lesser black-backed Gull, herring Gull, Northern gannet, common guillemot, storm petrel, eider ducks, arctic terns, manx shearwaters.


We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. On board there are heated indoor areas but we also have overalls to keep you warm out on deck. Hope you are able to join us on the search of these magnificent animals in their natural environment