
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour status: RUNNING

Tour at 19:00

Report from Elding: The last tour of the day was definitely the smoother! The swell was much gentler, and we still had the lovely sun with us. This made for a relaxed and laid back search on the bay, heading toward Snæfellsjökull. It took time, but we encountered no less than 3 pods of white-beaked dolphins, accounting for a total 18-20 individuals. The best part was that the last two pods treated us with energy jumps and breaches out of the water! We sailed back to Reykjavik slowly after that, listening to the tunes of our guitarist

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: The weather held in a positive note. It was mostly sunny throughout the entire tour and quite enjoyable to stay outside. The animals did not seem to be seen as we were continuously scanning the area on their look out. But, as usual, our persistency paid of and we finally found a minke whale! We were able to fallow it and stay with it for a while, at some point quite close to our vessel. Later on we found a second one of the same species. However, the latter was showing of a much more elusive behavior, making it quite hard to track. Nevertheless, it was another happy tour with Elding!

- Ines Cunha

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsulan: Once again, we left the harbour under the sun, with less wind than yesterday but still quite a bit of swell. We were off to a challenging start, but we eventually reached a very promising area with a few flocks of feeding seabirds. There we were able to see a minke whale surface several times around the boat, shortly followed by two more. We lost track of all three for a few minutes, until one of them resurfaced,  this time really close to the boat. The ride back was much smoother with the wind to our backs, making this an overall a pleasant afternoon out at sea, under the sun.

- Anne Moullier


Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out from Reykjavík in similar conditions as this morning, a little swell and wonderful sunshine. We were optimistic and we saw several flocks of feeding birds scattered around the bay. As we approached the birds, we had high hopes of seeing cetaceans. This turned out to be more challenging than anticipated. It was great to see northern gannets, guillemots, puffins and seagulls feeding, but the whales did not show up. We started to head back towards Reykjavik again, and suddenly we saw 3 white beaked dolphins. It was great to finally see some cetaceans, and we got a few good looks of the animals. It was nice to see the dolphins and birds, but we didn't quite feel it was up to our standard, so we decided to invite everybody back to try again, giving out complimentary tickets. Better luck next time! 

- Mia Rasmussen 


Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsulan: The wind improved compared to yesterday, alas there was still some swell remaining from yesterday! We did not escape the bumpy ride, however we got plenty of sun and wild life! It started with 14-16 white-beaked dolphins feeding around us, but also beautifully swimming underneath the boat and jumping around, then it went on with about 12-14 minke whales feeding in the same area! They were harder to follow than the dolphins but we ended up seeing a lot of them. All in all, a fun excursion!

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: Summer finally seemed to made up its mind and stay over Iceland. It was a smooth ride under the sun. The highlights of the tour were a group of around 10 white-beaked dolphins that seemed to be in quite a joyful mood. They were very inquisitive towards our vessel, and provided quite a show as they were jumping and breaching in unison. As the animals seemed quite relax around us, we were able to observe them for a long while. Before we reached the end of the journey we spotted a blow at the distance and it turned out to be a minke whale! However, this one was on an grumpy mood, so as it went for a long deeper dive we lost track of it. As it was also about time to go back home, we started sailing towards the harbor.

- Ines Cunha


Birds seen on todays tours include: Atlantic puffin, black-legged kittiwake, common guillemot, black guillemot, great skua, arctic skua, Great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, northern gannet, northern fulmar, Manx shearwater, arctic tern.

We are running our tours today from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík, it is a little bit windy out on the Faxa Bay today so be prepared for some movement on the boats during tour tours today, but on the bright side the sun is back and shining on us here in Reykjavík. Please don't hesitate to contact our ticket office for further information, either via phone +354 5195000 or