Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Tour at 20:00

It was a special tour but we will be doing midnight tours on the 15th of June. We started by visiting one of the Puffin Islands and saw many birds sitting outside their borrows and swimming on the water’s surface. The wind picked up over the last couple of hours to the point of having quite a rocky ride. We sailed a long way for this tour as there wasn´t much luck on the earlier tours and it worked!!. We saw a pod of White-beaked Dolphins breaching out of the water, they were breaching in a circle to scare fish into a tighter cluster to make it easier to catch the prey. They seemed too busy to entertain us as well as feed so they were soon gone. After another 30 minutes of sailing we saw a blow under a flock of birds but unfortunately it was only seen once.  Then another blow was seen a couple of times this time it was a Minke Whale. It went for a deep dive and when it resurfaced it was only 60 meters from us. So glad to see the Minkes still around. On the way back the sky turned absolutely beautiful. The sky was full of colours. We had a rainbow too for most of the tour. Great tour!!


Tour at 17:00

No data


Tour at 13:00

The picked up a little bit more than the morning and it started to rain for about 30 minutes of the tour. Again we started the tour by visiting Akurey and there were a lot more Puffins sitting outside their borrows than the morning tour. On our way offshore we came across a small pod of Harbour Porpoises but they were very elusive. The bay was completely dead for this tour. Very few birds, no whales, nothing. Where have they all gone. Really hope they are not gone for long.


Tour at 09:00

The wind has picked up a little but the sun was out and very warm. We started off at Akurey (Puffin Island). There wasn´t so many on the Island today but there was a few sitting on the water nearby. We headed out into Faxafloi and it took us quite a while before we saw anything. We came across a large flock of feeding Arctic Terns but no cetaceans. Then one of the crew and a couple of passengers saw a Minke Whale surface but then it didn´t surface again for a while and not seen again after that. Very elusive Minke. We waited again for a very long time before another passenger saw something but once again it was not seen again. We were getting worried that this tour was not going to be very productive but then on our way back to the harbour we saw a small pod of Harbour Porpoises which were just amazing, surfing the swells, playing and interacting with the boat for such a long time. Is was so much fun watching them surfacing all around the boat. Where are you Minkes?