
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Tour status 9:00, 10:00, 13:00, 14:00 and 17:00: RUNNING

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: It was still a bit windy but still good to go out and spot some whales. Our first encounter of this tour were 2 harbour porpoises. They swam near the boat but got away very quickly. We spotted 2 minke whales but they were quite elusive so we did not see them again. When we were sailing to a different area a minke surfaced right in front of the boat, but only came up one more time. We saw some white-beaked dolphins jumping in the distance but once we got closer they disappeared. There was a minke in the area so we got a last look before heading back. Nice tour and we got a little sun in the end!

-Kolbrún Sverrisdóttir

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafuslan: Afternoon looked promising as we had calm seas, just a light breeze coming for land and lots of sightings in previous tours. As we sailed, we discovered few flocks of birds and aiming to see some cetaceans we spotted 2 minke whales. Nonetheless, the encounters were extremely fast and we only had glimpse of these marvelous animals. For that reason, we decided to offer our passengers complimentary tickets, so everybody can enjoy a second chance to see cetaceans.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The wind had picked up a little from the morning tour but still having great conditions for whalewatching. We sailed out to the area were we left the whales before and encountered probably 4 minke whales, but all of them being very elusive. Luckily 2 surfaced together infront of our boat, so we could have a nice quick look at them. Going on with our tour we found a pod of white-beaked dophins, probably 6-9 individuals. This dolphins came in really close, showed up a bit around us before we left them again. All in all a nice tour on this calm day out at sea.

- Sarah Kompatscher

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsulan: Sea was like a mirror: flat and reflecting landscape and sea birds. Just being out on a water was a great experience. Most of our passengers were involved in search for whales and dolphins and fast we were able to see things. First from the distance we saw a minke whale but when we got closer we saw a dolphin. Pod of 4 white-beaked dolphins were feeding so to not disturb them after taking a look we went to spend some time with a minke whale. Whale came so close to the boat that we could experienced why we call them 'stinky-minke'. Not far away was a second minke whale but the best was waiting for us. We found huge congregation of white beaked-dolphins - 4 pod one close to another. The biggest of pods,12 dolphins or more, came with curiosity towards us. Between big ones we could also see 3 or 4 babies. It was awesome!

- Ewa Malinowska

Tour ar 09:00

Report from Eldey: We left the harbour and headed out into the bay.  It was smooth and the spotting conditions were great. We spotted something and headed towards it and found out it was a minke whale. We stopped and waited for it to surface again. While we waited we spotted a pod of 5-7 white-beaked dolphins. They were curious and came to the boat and were playing a little with us, swimming under the boat and surfacing all around. There must have been a lot of fish in the bay as all of the sudden we were surrounded by animals! There were at least 20 white-beaked dolphins and about 7 minke whales all around. We had to go slowly and on our way back to the harbour we got a quick glimpse of 2 minke whales! Good tour with a lot of sightings.

-Kolbrún Sverrisdóttir

Birds seen during our tours: eider duck, northern fulmar, atlantic puffin, common guillemot, razorbill, arctic skua, northern gannet, herring gull, black-legged kittiwake, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, european shag, manx shearwater.

We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. Sea conditions are are favorable but there could always be some movement on the boat and we do have free seasickness tablets at the office. Hope you are able to join us on our search for these magnificent animals in their natural environment.