
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Report from Eldey: The northerly wind was still following us through this last tour of our day. But with a beuatiful sunset to give us company, our spirits were high to find the first cetaceans of the day. It took us over 1.5 hours sail to find a pod of 5 white-beaked dolphins. After we saw them jumping out of the water from further away, they stopped when we approached them and started swimming towards us, around the boat and played a little 'cat and mouse' with us. They allowed us to stay with them for a few minutes and watch them really close to the boat before dissaparing for the goods. It was the perfect momento because we had to turn around and head back into the harbour, keeping a beautiful sunset for the rest of the trip.

-Elena Gutiérrez Ruiz


Report from Elding: During the day, the weather have been improving because this tour was warmer with less wind than this morning. The boat was still a little bit rocky so we first went toward Esja and followed the landscape until Akranes. We searched the cetaceans in the area protected by Akrafjall, near to Hvalfjöður. We saw atlantic puffins bravely flying against the wind, a few northern gannets, artic terns and northern fulmars that seems to enjoy when its windy, but we didn't see any whale during this tour: So we gave to our passenger a complementary ticket to give them the chance to go in a new free tour on our boats during the next two years.

-Miquel Pons


Report from Elding: Windy chilly conditions out in the bay today but the sun was shining and when wrapped in our free floatation boiler suits we were ready for it. We gained shelter from the mountains to the north and had a fun, beautiful tour. The sun was shining and the scenery was stunning with rainbows over the mountains. The birdlife was nice and diverse, not that abundance but diverse, unfortunatly no whales and dolphins were encountered even though we did our best to find them. In the end we gave our passengers complimentary tickets to come again for free. These can be used anytime in the next two years both in Reykjavik in the south or Akureyri in the north of Iceland. 

- Megan Whittaker


Report from Eldey: The weather conditions during this tour were similar to the ones in the morning tour. Again we took the sheltered route along the mountains of Esja, past Kvalfjörður and up to Akranes, admiring the gorgeous landscape. We saw some northern gannets plunge diving very close to the town of Akranes and tried to get some nice snapshots of the northern fulmars flying very close to the boat. But again, the seabirds were the only wildlife to be seen during this tour. We enjoyed some smooth sailing back to the harbour, soaking up the sun, whenever it appeared from behind the few clouds hanging over Faxaflói bay. As this tour did not fulfill it's purpose, to see cetaceans, we invited our passengers to try their luck with us again for free, on another whale watching trip in the next 2 years.

- Diana Besel


Report from Elding: With northerly winds still blowing strong, it was definitely a tour to wake you up. Waves kept us moving our legs along but with the sunshine coming out frequently it was still a scenic sail. Moving along Snæfellsness, along Hvalfjöður and finally towards Akraness we saw all the beautiful mountain ranges and also a lot of different bird species that were quite actice. This had us hopeful, also as we changed course back into the direction of Reykjavik. However, we did not spot any whales this trip, possibly they were just in areas further out. Thus all passengers were offered a complimentary ticket to give us a second chance to spot whales on their free return trip.

- Sabrina Voswinkel


Report from Eldey: The sea was much calmer today, than yesterday, but still a bit choppy and the wind had also calmed down a little bit. Still, the sun was shining throughout the tour, creating a nice backdrop. We stayed closer to land to get some shelter from the wind, enjoying the beautiful scenery around us. A lot of different seabirds could also be seen during our tour, including our beloved atlantic puffins. On the way back a beautiful rainbow could be seen over the horizon, starting in the town of Akranes. Unfortunately there were no cetaceans to be found during this tour, therefore our passengers get the chance to come back for another whale watching adventure during the next 2 years for free.

- Diana Besel


Birds seen on todays tours include: atlantic puffin, arcitc skua, arctic tern, northern gannet, northern fulmar, eider duck, black-legged kittiwake, lesser black-backed gull.

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today, the wind is a little high and the sea might be rough, so if you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.