
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour status 19:00: CANCELLED

Due to strong winds we have unfortunately cancelled our 19:00 tour this evening. For more info please contact our ticket office at or by phone +354 519 5000

Tour at 17:00

Report from Skrudur: What an amazing late afternoon tour out in the bay! We did not even manage to leave land behind us as we saw the first minke whale popping up in front of our boat. We slowed down and started to see more and more of this fascinating animals, some coming in closer, other in farer distance. We got a really good impression on "the sneaky minke" as they kept on surfacing once here and once there. Luckily there were so many individuals, probably 15-20, that nobody could miss them even though they are very fast. After staying with them for quite some time we decided to move further out in the bay as we discovered some splashes in the distance. Pretty fast we knew that this were white-beaked dolphins and they were plenty! Keeping a nice steady speed, the dolphins got really curious and came in for a bow ride, jumped close to us, cruised around us and were basically human watching! This was just incredible, we had probably 30-40 dolphins all around us! What an amazing tour!

-Sarah Kompatscher

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Once again the starting point for our tour was the good old Reykjavik harbour. We sailed out for about 40 minutes when we had our first sighting. It took us a few tries, but at the end we managed to have a few really nice looks at the elusive minke whale. Satisfied with these encounters, we sailed forward and were not disappointed by what awaited ahead. A pod of 12-15 white-beaked dolphins swimming around and alongside our boat. At one time it even seemed like they were sleeping, as they were very relaxed and swam slowly all together in a group. When you have lovely sightings, even the occasional rain and cloudy weather can't spoil your mood. :)

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We were lucky to see our first sighting after only 40 minutes of sailing from Reykjavik Harbor. It was a minke whale, and it turned out to be our old friend “Tap”. Tap has been seen every year since 2007, and on this occasion Tap was in a good mood, giving us some great sightings. It was very easy for everybody to experience why they are sometimes referred to as “stinky minkes”, as Tap’s breath was particularly smelly today. On the tour we saw a total of 3 minke whales. While we were looking at a minke whale, we suddenly saw 8-10 white beaked dolphins in the area. We approached them and could really enjoy these dolphins swimming around the boat. A smelly and fun trip in Faxaflói!

- Mia Rasmussen

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was quite favoring to match what would be a great tour. It did not take us long until we get our first sighting that turned out to be a minke whale! As we were able to fallow this animal it lead us to 2 or 3 more of the same kind. Some were more illusive than others, but we got to observe them quite close to our vessel a few times. After enjoying this animals for a long while we decided to leave them and start searching for something else. Shortly after we encountered a pod of around 13 to 15 white-beaked dolphins that were quite cheerful and inquisitive towards our vessel. They delivered quite a show as they seemed quite relaxed at our presence and some of them were jumping while others were bow riding, so our passengers were quite excited as well. Another amazing tour with Elding!

- Ines Cunha

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out with little wind from the east and pretty flat sea. Even thought the sky was overcast, it looked like another great day for whale watching. On our way out some of our passengers spotted already some harbour porpoises jumping out of the water. Unfortunately they were really elusive, so we quickly proceeded in our tour as our colleagues had in te meantime found a big pod of dolphins, so we headed straight in that direction. When we reached the area we realized how many of this white-beaked dolphins were actually around, probably a 30-50 individuals. This animals were really fun and curious, approaching our boat really close, bowriding and switching between the boats front and back. It was a real pleasure looking at them! After spending quite some time with this animals, we decided to head out further into the bay and found a total of 3 minke whales. Even though this are really speedy animals, we had the opportunity to get some really good looks at them.

- Sarah Kompatscher

Birds seen on todays tours: arctic tern, atlantic puffin, common guillemot, northern fulmar, northern gannet, arctic skua, great skua, black-backed gull.

Tour status: RUNNING

We are running our tours today from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík, the rain is back here in Reykjavík accompanied by some wind which we hope will go down as the day progresses, but expect some movement on the boat in our early departures. Please don't hesitate to contact our ticket office for further information, either via phone +354 5195000 or