
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Tour at 13:00

WELL WHAT A DAY!! We sailed out from Keflavík today as the wind direction was unfavourable from Hafnafjörður. We sailed in not the nicest of weathers but at least the rain stayed off us for the whole tour. We searched and searched for about an hour before we found a couple of shy White-beaked Dolphins which only surfaced a few times. Then after about another 30 minutes of searching passengers spotted some fins which were a larger pod of White-beaked Dolphins (7-13 individuals juveniles to adults) which seemed to be chasing fish by the speed they were going and constant changing of direction. We spent a while with them before they left and so did we. Another passenger suddenly shouted out WHALE!! I only saw it twice and quite far away and travelling really fast but I was almost 100% positive that in was a Minke Whale. Yay they are coming back :) On the way back when I had finish my guiding and went to help the bar crew I noticed that the boat had slowed down and started turning so I ran upstairs and too my amazement A HUMPBACK WHALE, Whoo hoo!! Not Mr. Square as we first thought but another which started tail slapping maybe to stun fish as the seabirds started to gather above. Ok so now we really had to head back to the harbour but just before we reached the harbour what else did we find, Yes another pod of White-beaked Dolphins which were leaping out of the water and swimming around and under the boat. Loads of seabirds too for the bird enthusiasts on board. WHAT A DAY :) Great cetacean spotters on board today - nice work guys :).

Seabirds seen today included: Shags, Cormorants, Eider Ducks, Guillemots, Razorbills, Gannets, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Great Black-backed Gulls, and some other Gull Species.