
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Tour at 13:00

In the afternoon, the weather had become better, so we decided to start sailing from Reykjavik's harbour. We went straight to the island Lundey, where we thoroughly enjoyed watching Atlantic Puffins swimming around and sitting on the island. The area around Lundey was sheltered from the wind and everyone enjoyed an almost "mediterranean" atmosphere. After watching these beautiful birds of the Auk family, we sailed out Faxa Bay in the shelter of land until we reached the small fishing town Akranes. From there on, we sailed out to explore the bay in true "North Atlantic" waters and everyone scanned the watersurface hoping to see signs of cetaceans.  Unfiortunately, we did not have much luck this afternoon, but that's how wildlife is and we had to accept it's unpredictability. Everyone on board was offered a complimentary ticket and we look very forward to seeing all of you again on one of our future cruises. Takk fyrir daginn!

Tour at 09:00

This morning's tour was cancelled due to strong winds and waves outside the bay.


Birds seen on today's tours: Atlantic Puffins, Fulmars, Arctic Terns, Eider Ducks, Black-backed Gulls, Common Seagulls

- Hendrik Schultz