
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out today again from Sandgerði and ended the tour in Hafnafjörður. The weather wasn´t the greatest today as it rained for most the tour and the sea was a little bit rough but as soon as we sailed around the headland the rain seemed to stop and the sea got a lot smoother. We had a great start to the tour because in the harbour we got to see lots of Eider Ducks and two lovely Grey Seals that wanted too check us out as they popped their heads up close to the boat. A while later we headed out of the harbour and around the headland. After about an hour of sailing we saw some splashes as we got closer we could see that it was White-beaked Dolphins breaching. There were two pods of 5-7 individuals that we stayed with for a long time as they were incredible to watch. We got to see so many behaviours, we saw leaping, breaching, sharking, rolling, spy-hopping and even saw a couple mating together just 10 meters from the boat. Once we decided to leave the dolphins we sailed more along the inside of the Reykjanes Peninsula and there just seemed to be more and more scattered groups of dolphins. In total, both close and in the distance, we maybe saw at least 100 individuals. We were hoping to see a humpback whale but unfortunately not today. All in all a very nice tour.

Birds seen on today´s tour included; Gannets, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Glocous Gulls, Razorbills, Eider Ducks, and Cormorants.