Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 13:00 Classic Whale Watching tour. Make sure to dress according to weather, as it is usually colder at sea than on land.



Report from Eldey: A freezing cold wind was blowing from the north today, bringing swell and waves deep into the bay. It was very rocky in the first and last 15 minutes of the tour. The rest of the time we were searching cetaceans between the islands close to Reykjavik, with some shelter from the choppy seas. We found quite early in the tour a humpback whale that we recognized to be Ekki. It was likely feeding coming up often to the surface to breath. Its blow was made very visible by the cold. A few times we had a very close sighting of this majestic creature. We could even observe the long white pectorals humpbacks have in the North Atlantic. In the same area there was also 2 harbour seals, one of them was showing its tummy laying down on its back and looking at us. We went away to explore a bit more and see if we could spot the second humpback that was there yesterday but we could not find it. We came back to Ekki and had a last few moments, ending perfectly the tour with a fluke dive!

- Miquel Pons