
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



09:00, 10:00, 13:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:30: RUNNING

Tour at 20:30

Report from Elding: Our last tour of the day was marked by calm sea and an incredible sunset in between the clouds. After sailing for a while, we came across with a fantastic pod of white-beaked dolphins, between 5-7 individuals were coming very close to our boat once we stopped the propellors. One of them was extremely playful as it was jumping over and over and over very close while others were bow-riding. Later on, we continued our trip and when we were about to head back, 2 minke whales got our attention surfacing several times next to us. The way back was peaceful and relaxing as we enjoyed the great music of our troubadour.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: Intoxicated by the easy tours we had earlier that day, we sailed out again, not knowing that we are going on a real sea adventure. The weather has changed, and so did the behavior of the whales. What was previously a not so long ride and plenty of minke whales turned out into the longest boat ride I have seen in a while. Reykjavik became very tiny at some point and we were anxious to see something. After hope almost parted ways with me we saw a nice pod of playful white-beaked dolphins. They were everywhere around us and showing us, they too are having a good time. Suddenly we saw a huge fluke rising up from the surface in front of us. A humpback whale. We waited for the giant to come out again, but it was elusive and we had run out of time. We sailed home with the sun in our backs and lovely memories made.

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour at 14:00

Report from Hafsulan: It was the perfect sunny day, with only an awesome tour to match it. We were sailing over flat seas until we reached an area with a lot of bird activity. We slowed down and started inspecting the area more carefully in hopes of finding something interesting over there. Soon after we spotted our first minke whale. This one was not on cooperative mode though, so after observing it a few times as turned around in search for some more. Shortly after we ran into another one that was also playing hard to get but ended up driving us to another area packed with birds feeding around, where we were able to enjoy the presence of at least 4 more minke whales. So we all lived a great experience while watching these animals feeding all around us, until we finally started heading back towards Reykjavik.

- Ines Cunha

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We left the harbour once again with nearly flat seas and under the radiant summer sun of Iceland. Nearly 40 minutes into our tour, we had our first sighting when we came across a large flock of feeding seabirds. Sure enough, there was a minke whale right by them, that surfaced a couple of times before going for a deeper dive. She was far from being the only one; we were able to see at least three more minkes surface in the same area. As we continued our search a bit further out, we also came across a pod of at least 5-7 white-beaked dolphins, who approached the boat from all sides. Among them, two more minkes made an appearance, one of them quite close to the boat, to the awe of everyone on board. Overall a really interesting tour, with lots of activity!

- Anne Moullier

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsulan: We can say that this morning we experimented finally a proper summer day in Iceland: flat seas, sun shinning and no wind. With these conditions nothing could go wrong and it didn't´t. As we were sailing we came across with a lovely pod of 7-9 white-beaked dolphins interacting with each other and at least 2 calves were found in the group. Later on, we started to see seabirds flocking in big numbers to discover an area mainly occupied by minke whales, at least 7-8 of them were spotted during the tour. The way back to port couldn't´t have been more lovely and pleasant.

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan

Tour at 09:00

Day 2 of sun. We are all very happy about this fantastic weather that we have been having now for two full days! Sailing out of Reykjavik, we stumbled upon 5-6 white-beaked dolphins half way to the waters where we usually have cetacean activity. We spent some time with these lovely odontocetes and were again on the lookout after that. The minke whale activity was quite high on this tour, and we had the chance of seeing them up close a few times as well as loads of times all around us at various distances. We saw another group of playful dolphins on our way back. They were jumping out of the water and tail-lobbing. These nice sightings and the perfect weather did us good and if someone came grumpy on board, he/she definitely didn't leave grumpy after seeing this.

-Lucas Heinrich

Birds seen on today's tours include: arctic tern, atlantic puffin, great blacked backed gull, lesser backed blacked gull, blacked legged kittiwake, manx shearwater, razorbill, arctic skua, eider duck, northern fulmar, northern gannet.   

We are very excited at the harbour to see the sun is out today in what is shaping up to be the best day of the Reykjavík summer so far. So get out your sunscreen and sunglasses and come on a whale watching adventure with us today! We are running our tours today from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík.  Please don't hesitate to contact our ticket office for further information, either via phone +354 5195000 or