
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Report from Eldey: The sea was stil looking beautiful, flat and shiny under a bright big sun. The sailing was pleasant as we were exploring the bay. We had to bo patience until we encounter our first minke whale! Unfortunately, this whale was too busy and never appeared again. Surpisingly, it happened with 3 more minke whales. They were not in a whale watching mood at all. Finally, we had the chance to spot 2 more minke whales, this time quite relaxed and surfacing really close to us. Our patience was finally rewarded. Also the sunset light in the last part of the trip was really beautiful and we had the feeling of a really nice tour but, suddenly, 2 pods of 5-6 white-beaked dolphins appeared in the distance. Some of them jumping hight in the air while some others came to play with the bow of the boat. It was great. That's once more, the magic of nature.
-Elena Gutiérrez Ruiz


Report from Hafsulan: Perfect condition to go on a whale watching. A clear blue sky, a shiny sun and a flat sea. But the most important ingredient to experience a great whale watching is to find whales. We didnt't have to wait a long time before we crossed a pod of harbour porpoises, the smallest cetacean in Faxafloi. They quickly disappeared and we saw a few minutes later a pod of 7 white-beaked dolphins. Those robust dolphins were beautiful to observe, sometimes disappearing a minute to reappear to the other side of the boat. We let them alone after a while because we wanted to see other species. We continue our tour and fastly foun a minke whale. It was difficult to observe so we didn't want to disturb it following it> We continue and it was a good idea because we found at least 6 more minke whales feeding in the same area. One surfaced super close of the boat we were amazed. We enjoyed there presence during a really nice moment until we had to head back to Reykjavik, enjoying the sun with incredible view on the mountains. 

-Miquel Pons


Report from Eldey: After a few really windy days with cancelled tours, we could go out again finally today! We were really excited to find the animals after a couple of days docked in the harbour. The day looked just gorgeous, flat seas, no wind and a big and bright sun shining on top of us. We started our sailing with high hopes that would be fullfilled. After a couple of minutes, 2-3 harbour porpoises appeared really close to the boat. Only the luckiest passengers were able to spot them because they are really fast and elusive, but it's always nice to see these cute small cetaceans. We didn't have to wait to encounter our first minke whale. When we got to the area, we were stunned when we discovered, at least, 10 minke whales around us. They were everywhere! It was a magical encounter, just surfacing again and again, feeding really close the the sea surface and just coming next to the boat. Even when we were approaching the harbour, another 2 minkes appeared to made us enter the harbour with a big smile. Such a beautiful morning!
-Elena Gutiérrez Ruiz

Bird species seen today: northern fulmar, northern gannet, black-backed gull, kittiwake, black-headed gull, great cormorant.


Good morning! We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. The wind is not to strong this morning, but the sea might be a little bumpy out there. If you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.,